



by Victo Ngai A serene flat illustration in the style of Wu Guanzhong depicts,Chinese landscape painting style, high mountains and flowing water, shrouded in clouds and mist, waterfall flowing straight down, calm lake surface, a flat boat, two people sitting quietly, blue and blue tones, peaceful and magnificent –ar3:4–niji6

由Victo Ngai吴冠中风格的一幅宁静的平面插图,中国山水画风格,高山流水,云雾笼罩,瀑布直下,湖面平静,一条平坦的小船,两个人静静地坐着,蓝色和蓝色的色调,宁静而壮丽



吴冠中风格插图:中国山水画风景描绘金额:1.99元好的内容,值得赞赏!打赏后不支持退款! 联系客服 扫描下方二维码关注公众号“站长资讯”,及时联系客服解决。请把【打赏记录详情】截图给客服,同时把您打赏的文章【网址】发给客服。客服会在24小时内把完整文章内容发送给您。(客服在线时间为周一至周五9:00-11:30 14:00-17:30)

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